How much do acupuncture treatments cost?

What is my investment going to be?

Let me ask you this question - how much are you willing to pay to feel better? You have to look at acupuncture as an investment in your health and quality of life. My guess is, if you are here reading this website, you are probably struggling with an issue and looking for solutions that don’t involve taking medications or going under the knife, am I right? Or you are feeling frustrated by a medical system that can’t figure out what is going on with you or doesn’t treat you like a whole person? Well, we can’t guarantee that acupuncture will be the solution 100% of the time, since there are a small percentage of people that don’t respond to it for reasons we don’t really understand, but there’s really no legitimate medical treatment that works 100% of the time for 100% of people. What we can guarantee you is that we will provide you a time-tested modality that is not only highly effective for MOST people, but offers a host of benefits to your body beyond just treating symptoms. It actually helps your body change and heal over time, while also being a deeply relaxing and calming experience when getting the treatment.

We highly recommend that everyone consider committing to a treatment plan rather than paying per visit since 10 years of experience has shown us that those who complete plans of multiple consistent treatments almost always experience great results.

Initial consultation: $50

Single visit rate: $80


Treatment Plans -

Relief Care: Acute 6 sessions $420 OR Chronic 10 sessions $700

Corrective Care: 3 sessions $210 (only applies in certain cases)

Maintenance Memberships (monthly auto-debit) -

Bronze: 1x per month $70

Gold: 1x per week $280

Platinum: Unlimited visits $500

*Memberships are only available for patients that have completed their relief care (& corrective care if applicable) plan.


How does acupuncture actually work?


What conditions does acupuncture treat?